6am wake up call

Wow so I slept reasonably well but was wide awake at 6am so decided not to wait for my alarm but to get up and get some breakfast and a cup of tea and get ready for my 8am swim!

I must be mad but am hoping that it will help with my spasm’s that I am having in my arm & shaking hand’s!

I love my Saturday swim because it helps me stretch take time out (I have my waterproof iPod cover & headphones) and relax for a bit.

It can get rather choppy in there though but it’s so worth it and seeing as I have 3 swim’s left including this before the knee replacement I am looking forward to even more.

After that it’s a quick jot to town to get some food, the fridge is bare, some fruit and look for a handbag before a dash home and get ready to go out this evening to see friend’s and have a take out.

The weather is going to be nice tomorrow as well so we might go out on the Beast now he has had his new handlebar’s fitted and they are apparently really good – I should bloody well hope so at nearly £700 later!

That is more than the price of my ramp that I need built outside to get the power chair in and out the house safely!

Yes I managed to get hold of my OT yesterday and spoke to him about funding and being self funded for the ramp so he is sending me details of 2 builder’s that do this sort of work and that they recommend – I am more than grateful to him for that because I had no idea where to start!

So although my hand is shaking this morning, and I am tired and grouchy I will manage a 30 minute swim!

Have a good day, stay safe and have fun – life is for living remember 😉