Vets today..

Got up this morning, and Miss Maisy has a very sore looking eye, now I am not a vet so have rang them more to put my mind at rest that she hasn’t got an infection and more she has a black eye (this is not unusual for her as she play fights with my other border collie a lot)!

They have an appointment at 10am, so although I am not feeling brilliant this morning MS wise, bad balance and tired after a naff night’s sleep I am going to get her to this appointment, get some dye put in her eye and hopefully get some medication for her to take this redness down.

When I get home I can get some medication and some sleep, am extremely tired today and it’s going to be a long day!

I also need to ring BMW (again) to sort this bloody bike out once and for all…they were supposed to be emailing Ms A earlier on in the week but haven’t done this yet!

Let the terrier loose on them I say this morning…they have had the bike a week now and we are ย no nearer to getting it back again!

I am waiting on a special delivery and hoping that the postman will bring it for me – it’s a new USB pen as I can’t find mine anywhere..I will have put it somewhere safe but where that safe place is I have no idea..have checked the normal places I use and it’s not there so I ordered one from ebay in the shape of my DSLR Sony camera! I might not lose this one as it’s large and bulky!

Well wish me luck in my journey to the vets because I will have mayhem leaving Sasha at home but what can I do!

Until later ๐Ÿ˜‰

Running a maraton?

Wow I think I must of run a marathon in my deep sleep last night!

Have woken up with aching body & feet that feel like they have just run 26 miles on cobbled stones…now it could be the walking in the food shop I did yesterday with the trolley because my feet turn in because of my MS or it might just be the stress of the upcoming operation I am having in March!

Whatever the answer is I am in pain, tired and as prickly as a hedgehog today!

I figure today will be wait for the postman to bring my new face cream & USB pen (?) because I have lost my own somewhere…now seeing as I don’t take it out the house it has to be in the house right? Well if it is I don’t have a clue where it is at this moment in time.

Seeing as it is going to be cold & wet out there today I think once that postman has been I will be bedding in for the day and stay safe & warm and although my nails are now free of colour and waiting to be shortened and repainted it might have to wait until tomorrow due to hideous fatigue!

Then again tomorrow I best wrap up as it’s going to be sleety tomorrow with rain all the way through to Saturday but at the moment (keep your fingers crossed) Sunday looks like a good day to go out on Bonnie – The Beast is still waiting to have it’s handle bar risers fitted at the garage and I am hoping that might be sorted out today.

Today would be a good day to get this blue disabled parking badge sorted out as well but they have up until next Monday to sort that apparently – 5 minute telephone assessment!

Well fellow blogger’s until we blog again, stay safe & have a good day ๐Ÿ˜‰

Glad to be home…This IS a good ole moaning blog!

Wow I didn’t think shopping could be so stressful on a ย Tuesday morning – cashpoint was full, parking was empty so all was going well.

Got into the shop, it was virtually empty – bought some new underwear, ready to wash when I get home. got my list so got everything and a little more – all was going well up to this point!

Pick the shortest list because I can barely feel the floor with my feet and my stomach was like a washing machine and the pain in my poorly knee’s was absolute agony.

So how dumb can one cashier be…about as dumb as the one I got this morning..she knew there was a que yet she carried on chattering away to the old people buying their whisky in front of me…by this point I am huffing away because I just want to get home.

I have a fair amount but not a huge amount of shopping, so grab the bags, start packing and wait to be offered some help..she is slow at offering but she does and when she does I wish I had not bothered…she put’s washing conditioner with dog treat’s..I take it out and put it in another bag and she suddenly stops helping. That’s fine lady because I will go at my own pace and that pace is slow because I am not feeling great.

She suddenly decides she will pack my porridge – well at least there was no more cleaning items to be packed so left her to it and finished packing the dog food.

I get to the end and she totals it up, I pass her my pound coins and she drops some down her scanner..I look at her and think well not my issue I handed them over and not am not handing anymore over to you!

The parking at the shopping centre is now automatic number plate recognition – she asks if I am in the car park and can she have my number plate, I give the details and I swear that I see the system has gone down so ask has it go through…Oh yes you can exit when you are ready. in car, feet are really struggling now to feel the ground and the walking stick I have isn’t fairing any better at this point so am glad to get in the car and make my way out – get to the exit point and YES you guessed it – the system was down!

Have to call for help with a long procession of car’s waiting to get out as only one exit barrier is working….talk about feeling an absolute plank!

To say my blood was boiling is an understatement at the moment…I was going to get my nails sorted today as they need an infill and polish change but decided it would be too much like hard work so am going to save that until Thursday so at least I will get an hour out the house instead of looking at the same 4 walls..

For now I am going to read a magazine and have a well earned rest – no housework for me today either that can wait until tomorrow..there is only me, the girls and casper the cat at home anyway and I think a sleep might be in order at some point.

Until tomorrow fellow blogger’s take care & stay safe ๐Ÿ˜‰

A wet miserable Tuesday morning..

What can I say, it’s January in the Uk it’s bound to be wet, cold & miserable right!

I am grateful it’s not snowing – as it was in Munich yesterday, but this damp miserable weather is not helping my knee’s or my Osteo Arthritis! My knee’s look like 6 knee’s in 1 and are so painful at the moment.

I think now I will be glad to get this operation to replace the left knee out the way and deal with the operation pain rather than the OA pain – it doesn’t make me want to rush out the door (even if I could) thanks to the pain I am in right now!

But need’s must and I must go get some food & milk amongst other bits then maybe come back, get shopping put away and then settling down for the afternoon with my kindle.

It’s one of those days where you think I may as well get into clean nightwear and snuggle on the sofa with a good book or in my case a good kindle book so that is my plan.

I am currently waiting to see if the postman brings me any parcels so I can go get my nails done as well and then the shopping – am getting ready for hospital in 5 week’s and need to have my nails done but they could wait a week…decisions decisions….

Well fellow bloggers, until we all blog again (probably later in my case) have a good day ๐Ÿ˜‰