Post Op Day 7

So hope you have all been missing me in the past 7 days 😉

I have had the knee replacement surgery that I had elected to have done 7 days ago and got home 2 day’s ago but seem to have spent most of that time sleeping and taking painkiller’s for the pain.

I have to say that the surgery it’s self was fine and although it took about 2 hour’s it didn’t feel that long but what happened next was horrendous.

I was put on a morphine pump that went fine for a few hours but the early hours of last Wednesday morning started to go wrong – the pump was continually bleeping to say there was an issue and needed sorting out but the nurses just kept bypassing it with their key and ignoring the pain I was in.

I didn’t know that I was not supposed to be any pain when lying still which is all I could do – I had a catheter in for the first few day’s (at least is what I was told) so I wasn’t getting up or anything.

Went for an x-ray on Wednesday morning and was screaming when they tried to touch me – got back to the ward and was moved and was in agony when they were moving.

Ms A  had been in Tuesday night and I was ok then but when she appeared Wednesday night she hit the roof at the staff, I had sore elbows from pushing myself around and was in agony – she could see that straight away.

She asked where my monkey pole was because I can’t move myself around because of the MS – Oh we didn’t know that!

Oh dear the $hit was hitting the fan, a monkey pole appeared and more stronger medication appeared.

Thankfully that meant my pain was getting under control at last and I was able to move – be it only in the bed but I had no appetite for food even though I was taking strong painkillers and needed food in me to digest them.

Thursday came, and so did the pain nurse who sorted out my own morphine for me and stronger painkillers at a set time, she was not impressed with some of the nursing staff either and went to have words with them – if it hadn’t of been for one of the staff nurses I wouldn’t of got to see a pain nurse and would probably still be there now instead of at home with fresh air.

Thursday afternoon the physio came to try and get me out of bed, we got about half way the first time and I was crying and gritting my teeth so they put me back in and decided the pain wasn’t under control still so gave me some oral morphine and came back about 2 hours later to try again and try we did.

This time I got about 3/4’s of the way out of bed and but again the pain was too much so back in I went – with the help of my monkey  bar.

Friday morning came and I was helped out of bed by a nurse and this time we made it – I was so happy to have made it out of bed with my zimmer and into a chair.

It was like christmas to me – I was up and out and although it was painful my fear of being stuck in the bed had gone away. I knew this was the start of something good and I would continue this.

Because I still had the catheter I didn’t go far and couldn’t go far with but sitting out for a few hours was enough and I was glad to be put back into bed.

The relief on Ms A’s face when she get a picture text of me sitting up out of bed was enough to keep me ploughing on.

Saturday came and I was out of bed without any help – except I was finding it difficult to pick my leg up as it felt heavy and stiff, so the nurse made me a loop that I could hook round my foot and swing my operated leg with it and that was the most amazing piece of equipment anyone could of given me.

7am Sunday morning I was woken up to be given an injection and have my catheter removed – another hurdle over come – next hurdle was a shower! Yay with the help of a nurse I managed to shower and wash my hair and change into clean nightwear.

Physio arrived and had me bending my knee backwards to see what percentage I could get – 60% on my first go, not bad for a beginner eh 😉

We had a little walk around the walk and back and they said I was looking at going home on Monday but they were getting me into the total knee replacement gym within a week of me going home – it is usually 2 week’s but they want intense physio for me to get moving and that it will take longer for me to get there because of the MS!

Well we will see about that one – Sunday came and along came physio and I got *drum rolls please* 85% bend – they had me walking on crutches and climbing up and down a step and then cleared me to go home that afternoon as long as OT were happy with me.

OT came next and had me getting in and out the bed, on and off the loo and in and out the seat and declared me fit enough to go home – oh how wonderful that felt to be told I had recovered enough to be able to go home.

I rang Ms A and asked her to bring my chair about 2pm but wait with me whilst they got my pain medication chart together and all my discharge paperwork sorted – by 3pm we were on our way home.

I struggled to get into the car but once I was in there was no stopping me – we were up up and away in the sunshine and off home.

My girls were so pleased to see me – I was crying so much with happiness to be home.

I had rang home each day so they knew I was alright and spoken to them so I knew they were ok.

As soon as I sat down I had one either side of me and we had our photo taken together – they have been so gentle with me, waiting until I am sat down and knee is up and protected before they attempt to sit with me one at a time now.

They haven’t left my side except to go for a walk – I want them to keep to their routine as 2 week’s time we will be home alone together.

Ms A has been fantastic and got me my painkiller’s on time, bought me breakfast in bed and helped me change into clean clothes each morning and get washed and hair brushed.

When I got home Sunday I was quite sick and she cleaned me up and washed me down and then cleaned the bucket out for me…Tuesday morning she bought me breakfast, a drink and painkiller’s and then went downstairs and cleaned up so when I got up the house was all clean.

Since then I have done my post op bend’s and got more than 90 degree bend and done my lifting exercise, had some lunch and taken yet another set of painkiller’s – Ms A has put a chicken in and taken the girls out to the park.

I am sat enjoying life, sunshine, fresh air and the smell of a roasting chicken all whilst being grateful to my surgeon for giving me this chance of a pain free life (in the left knee at least).

I will blog again later on in the week when I have more energy and let you all know how recovery is going 😉

Until then have fun and keep blogging.

2 thoughts on “Post Op Day 7

  1. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. I truly hope you gain strength quickly and find the pain to be less intense as you do. You can do this. I know it can be a little rocky path but you totally can rise above it and come out on top!! Thank you for sharing your experiences.

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