
Today I woke up dizzy..quite literally dizzy! Vertigo has hit me hard today and every time I lie down and shut my eye’s the room is spinning like a merry go round.

I have managed to lie down but sort of sitting up so it will pass over and I have packed my bag ready for hospital next week so that is all sorted and cleaned out my handbag and swapped it over, got clothes out for tomorrow and packed my swim bag all whilst trying to take my mind off this dizziness that despite medication will NOT go away!

Thankfully it is Thursday so that mean’s Ms A is home and will make the fresh bed up and cook the tea and take the girl’s out despite putting a hard day’s work in and flying home which takes hours from Munich!

This afternoon the weather has changed so I am glad we are indoor’s – the only thing I need to do is move my car later on when I feel up to it so she can get on the drive tonight…I might go do that in a minute so I don’t have to go out in the cold again and I can take more medication!

Have a safe day, and hope that everyone is feeling better than I currently do!

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