6am wake up call

Wow so I slept reasonably well but was wide awake at 6am so decided not to wait for my alarm but to get up and get some breakfast and a cup of tea and get ready for my 8am swim!

I must be mad but am hoping that it will help with my spasm’s that I am having in my arm & shaking hand’s!

I love my Saturday swim because it helps me stretch take time out (I have my waterproof iPod cover & headphones) and relax for a bit.

It can get rather choppy in there though but it’s so worth it and seeing as I have 3 swim’s left including this before the knee replacement I am looking forward to even more.

After that it’s a quick jot to town to get some food, the fridge is bare, some fruit and look for a handbag before a dash home and get ready to go out this evening to see friend’s and have a take out.

The weather is going to be nice tomorrow as well so we might go out on the Beast now he has had his new handlebar’s fitted and they are apparently really good – I should bloody well hope so at nearly ยฃ700 later!

That is more than the price of my ramp that I need built outside to get the power chair in and out the house safely!

Yes I managed to get hold of my OT yesterday and spoke to him about funding and being self funded for the ramp so he is sending me details of 2 builder’s that do this sort of work and that they recommend – I am more than grateful to him for that because I had no idea where to start!

So although my hand is shaking this morning, and I am tired and grouchy I will manage a 30 minute swim!

Have a good day, stay safe and have fun – life is for living remember ๐Ÿ˜‰

I don’t like Monday’s

In the word’s o the Boomtown Rat’s – I don’t like Monday’s…it’s quite simple really.

For various reason’s in the winter time I really do not like the start of the week, and neither do my girl’s…It’s the first day of the week that other mummy has to get up at some obscene hour to get to the airport for 6am for her flight to Munich and it’s an awfully long day for us all.

It’s the first day we start the week with our own little routine again and the we are usually worn out from doing thing’s over the weekend, or in the girl’s case from being out on Sunday evening for their walk and then getting up at 4am for the toilet before coming back to bed.

It’s far worst in the winter because the day’s are dreary and normally quite wet – so even though we don’t have a lot of housework to do as it’s been done the day before the day still drag’s on and on and it’s far worst when you have a major operation in 2 week’s time and keep debating even going in for it!

One minute I am quite upbeat about the knee replacement the next I am wanting to pick the phone up and ring the consultant’s secretary to take me off the list – although if I did this I am not sure where that would leave me as there is nothing else left for me with this left knee (the right one is pretty much going the same way).

Although today hasn’t dragged on as much as previous monday’s – mainly because it’s lighter in an evening now so the day’s are feeling brighter, which can mean spring isn’t far away it’s still been a long painful day.

Monday night television is normally pretty naff as well and despite hundred’s of channel’s to watch I can never find anything or if I can I can’t concentrate – so I am in no doubt that we will be in bed early with my beloved kindle. That is reminder that I need to charge that before tonight! I can do without that dying because I forgot to charge my battery as I did on my iPad over the weekend.

I have about 3 hours left on a book that I started last week after seeing it advertised in the front window of Waterstone’s…I know they say never judge a book by it’s cover but it is the one thing I am drawn to and it will make the difference between me even looking at it or passing on by – you might save I have missed out on some interesting book’s but it has also led me to new book’s that I ย probably wouldn’t of even looked at in the past!

So it’s nearly 17.30pm and the street light’s aren’t on – that is a great sign ๐Ÿ˜‰ But what isn’t a good sign is Sasha the youngest of the 2 collies is convinced that other mummy will be home tonight and is currently looking out the window at every noise she hear’s – she will be fine when fact time starts up on my iPad but until then I will have down turned mouth’s and lot’s of dirty look’s.

Ah well tomorrow is Tuesday which mean’s shopping and magazine’s, even though I am still reading last week’s purchases as I didn’t have the inclination to read them – it also mean’s one day closer to Ms A coming home and one day closer to getting this operation over and done and one day closer to the weekend, and my new shoes arriving, new laptop table arriving and my birthday…Oh yes its my birthday Thursday but I will have to wait until May for my present – my present this year was ticket’s to the executive box at Donington Park to see World super bikes.

I will get my fix of six nations rugby and WSB this weekend so I have something to look forward to ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well that’s me done for the day, so stay safe, have fun and keep blogging ๐Ÿ˜‰


Calm before the storm?

I woke up to glorious sunshine this morning with only a mild wind…is this the calm before the storm in the UK I wonder?

Yesterday it felt like we had left Kansas and were being pushed and pulled about by the gale force wind’s we had here..and I have to say it wasn’t as bad as anywhere in the Uk – we are not under feet of water or have roof tiles or green houses broken to pieces or any other damage so I think myself lucky – being on my own and being disabled I would not of managed to fix anything on my own!

Upon checking the weather another storm from the atlantic is on it’s way tonight and into tomorrow and through to Saturday but Sunday is going to be calm if not slightly cold but who care’s about the cold when you have heated gear to go out in!

I have just seen on Facebook that 2014 is going to be the hottest summer on record – does that mean we will have hose pipe ban’s I wonder because the dam’s won’t have enough water in them for us all despite the heavy flooding?

Who know’s – we live in a world that is constantly changing and evolving and we have to wonder is it climate change and are we all to blame with our hectic lifestyle’s?

I guess we will not be around to see the outcome and find the answers to these questions!

As it’s Thursday it mean’s that Ms A will be home from Munich tonight – she could call off at Hornig and pick up her super bike handle bar’s as they have not been posted out yet – I thought they would of been on the way last night but no…so who know’s when they are going to arrive – I guess she will have to decide Sunday which bike she is going to take out depending on how she feel’s!

My best bet would be the Beast but it might be Bonnie..I guess Sunday will tell.

As it’s chilly out there I will be staying in and keeping warm because I have already been out and filled up 4 bird feeder’s as they had no food left – I didn’t notice until this morning but that might be something to do with the weather and not being up to get out in the top of the garden!

Walking is not that good today so I have spent a few minutes looking at new shoes for the summer that I want to buy – I might pop in Saturday to the shoe shop and have a look if the one’s I really want are in so I have something to look forward to when I come out of hospital as I don’t want to spend week’s and week’s wearing leisure gear and trainers!

As much as I love my converse and my Nike I prefer to wear them with my jean’s thank you very much ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well stay safe, have fun and keep blogging ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wednesday bring’s more bad weather!

Well the snow that was predicted over night has not arrived thankfully!

But it’s raining – I think myself lucky that I am up North and not down South where all the flood’s are going on here in the UK!

I had the news on when I got up and they were talking about it being May before the flood’s recede…I can not even imagine what that must be like – it’s must be devastating watching your house in ruins because of mother nature.

On the flip side of the coin I would rather the rain here than the snow..I have to go to hospital in less than 3 week’s now!

We live about 25 minutes away from the hospital and ok I have a 4×4 but I would rather it not turn into a 4×4 when I am in hospital..it’s a posh 2 wheel drive most of the year but turns to a 4×4 when it feels the need!

Today I will be dosing myself up on morphine and resting (if the pain killers will allow that) because my MS is playing havoc with my dodgy pins and I don’t need to go out until tomorrow if I go at all because I am waiting for some super bike handle bar’s to arrive from Germany for Ms A’s Beast of a bike to make it easier for her to ride it..seeing as it’s been at the BMW garage for 2 week’s and it was throwing it down Sunday she hasn’t ridden it for about 4 week’s now!

The only reason I will go out tomorrow is to get my GF biscuit’s that I forgot to buy yesterday but I did remember to buy some GF pies so I have something to eat in the week!

Well that’s me done for now, so fellow blogger’s stay safe and have fun ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sunday evening

Sunday is nearly over here as I will be going to bed early tonight for 2 reasons, A:because my fatigue level’s are really bad (thank you MS) and B:because Ms A has to get up early for her flight tomorrow morning to Munich.

We have had an odd day today, we decided not to risk staying shiny side up (the motorbike term) but to take the Beamer out and take the girl’s with us, we all go wrapped up and ready to go with my camera to Matlock and we started off in glorious sunshine but that soon turned to gusts of wind that shifted the car and showers.

It was lovely until we hit North Derbyshire and we could see the shower’s coming in toward’s us but that is ok as we have an umbrella in the car…Hmm no we don’t as someone took it out and didn’t replace it again! Well not to worry it’s only a bit of water right.

Oh how I wished it was just a little bit of water. I was dropped off in Matlock as I couldn’t walk far today and was using crutches whilst Ms A went to find a parking space, I saw her go past 4 times before she found a space and walked up with the girls.

We managed to get a seat funnily enough outside (can’t possibly understand why when it’s dry at this point) and got a hot chocolate ordered. Sat for about 20 minutes and it started to rain and my concern is not for myself but my camera getting ruined…we decide we need to go to the bike shop anyway for some cleaning equipment so we will make our way up there.

We decided to take the scenic route and although it’s not as hair raising in the car it’s still pretty bad seeing the water run down the road and the branches that have been blown off the tree’s and onto the road. I am ok though I have my camera and am busy taking photos as we go along and enjoying watching the rainbow appear – it really is typical British weather today, one side it’s throwing it down and on the other is blue sky & sunshine.

Having arrived at the bike shop we take the girls in with us and have a look round, the girl’s have never been in a bike shop so were lapping up the attention and the looking and sniffing at all the bikes – there is a clothing department in the shop so we went in there for a look and of course the girls are like magnet’s for people but they don’t complain they adore the fuss they get when they are out.

Bike cleaning equipment all purchased and girls seat belted back in we make our way back through the countryside to home again in shower’s then blue sky.

We finally get home about 3 hours later – the house is then cleaned, washing put away, food eaten, bowls down for the girls, washing in and shower for Ms A who is going to need to pack her suitcase when she comes downstair’s and cook me some cauliflower cheese for my supper as my leg’s are not up to standing up at all right now.

For saying I wasn’t driving I feel as exhausted now as when I went to bed last night and on top of that my eye has decided to feel like someone is sticking pins in it!

I have managed to download and edit some iPhone photos though and upload a cd I purchased yesterday to my iTunes playlist so that is another thing sorted for hospital.

I just need to upload my new Chucky movie to my iPad to go with the Great Gatbsy and white chick’s ready for my operation in *gulp* just over 3 weeks time.

I am sure that the time will fly as it’s valentines day this week, followed by my birthday the Thursday after (I have already had my present which is tickets to see World Superbikes in the executive box with pit & paddock pass). As long as I get a card I will be happy.

But this evening I am going to watch some television and then go bed early, take my medication and hope for another good night’s sleep.

Tomorrow is another day and one that I hope will bring me some much needed energy and a break from this hideous feeling that has been following me round all week of pain and fatigue.

Stay safe and have fun fellow blogger’s ๐Ÿ˜‰

Weekend is nearly upon us

And I am feeling less human than I did a week ago..what’s that all about you may wonder? Well let me tell you:

Are we sitting comfortably? Then I will begin:

Monday started with being up before 7am (that’s like the middle of the night for me) to get to pre-op, which went better than expected and quicker than expected but it’s such a long morning all the tests and hoops you have to jump through to make sure you are as fit as you can be for surgery.

Thankfully I am fit for surgery and it is all set to go ahead on 4th March 2014 – I will be in for 3-5 day’s and I am hoping it is more like 3 days! I don’t do very well sitting around in ย hospital and their regime, I have my own and I don’t like it being changed and change it will be.

Tuesday was another early morning but this time about an hour and a half later to go back to orthopaedic for Ms A to see her consultant’s team – as previously blogged they were running late, but she was asked to go for scan’s on her shoulder & elbow. Yet another long day because from there it was the dentist (again see previous Tuesday blog about that one)!

Wednesday – well what can I say about that..it’s little more than a blur to be honest with you. I appear to have hit a brick wall with the MS & fatigue & let’s not forget the pain!

Made an appointment for Miss Maisy to see the vet’s onThursday then spent the day resting and sleeping – wasn’t up to doing much more than getting up stair’s on the stair lift and go to the loo!

Thursday was much the same! Exception being visiting the vets….how much longer is this going to go on I am wondering at this point because life I have plans at the weekend don’t you know and they don’t involve sitting around or going up on the stair lift for a pee!

Tonight we are supposed to be going to the theatre, but as yet I am undecided if I am even going..it will be a very long if not enjoyable night but I need to be up at 6.30am Saturday morning for an early morning swim then go get some shopping and a new dressing gown if I can find one!

Then back home to watch the rugby and take the girls out to the park if it stay’s dry – that will be a novelty in itself with the jet stream they claim is sitting us over us!

Let’s see what this weekend bring’s weather wise before we make a decision to go out on Sunday to Matlock for our normal Sunday morning hot chocolate.

Wish me luck in being able to get to the theatre and sit through a performance without falling asleep tonight because way before 9pm every night this week my eye’s have been stinging like mad through tiredness!

It will be worthwhile going but it’s not just the fatigue that is going to be a problem it will be the pain so I guess I am going to have to dose up on morphine before I go this evening.

The sun is shinning right now so it lifts your mood even if it is cold and trust me it’s colder than it looks…I went to get fuel and cash and thought ouch it’s cold out there right now….

This morning I am going to finish the costa coffee prize winner’s novel – which so far I have enjoyed and then start a new kindle novel of which I have plenty to choose from and finish the washing because someone is back in Munich next week where she can huff to her heart’s content!

The gardener has just arrived to finish the cutting of the tree’s off – nice cold day for them to do this but at least it will be neat and tidy at the back of the garden now, BMW have not long been to deliver the “beast” back after having it for 2 week’s because they broke the yoke when trying to fit some Hellibar riser’s! Needless to say ย it won’t be going back there again – now all I need is for the postman to bring my hospital confirmation letter and the day will sorted. And the bin cleaner has just arrived…it’s all go here today…BMW has just rung to discuss the bike and now it seem’s it needs a new tyre…make your minds up you left a voice mail to tell us there is nothing wrong with it!

Until later fellow bloggers, take care and stay safe ๐Ÿ˜‰