Another day closer

To the weekend, but also the upcoming operation I am having on Tuesday.

The big one is just around the corner, knee replacement surgery here I come..I have been wanting this for a while but I swear the closer it get’s the more havoc it plays on my MS!

Yesterday I woke up feeling so ill with vertigo that each time I tried to lie down I felt like I was at the funfair on the merry go round it was that bad.

Medication couldn’t even take that feeling away so I took myself off to bed early last night and woke up about 12 hours later feeling a whole heap better.

I did the banking, ate my breakfast and toddled off to post a thank you card to a friend who had done me a beautiful drawing of a lemon tree and then went to get my nails re-done for the next few weeks.

I am not sure if the was the hour and a half I was in there smelling the nail bar smells or the sitting still but something kicked off a headache and the vertigo so it was back home, eat (even though I was feeling sick) and try to kick the vertigo to the kerb.

I was so restless this afternoon I went up, grabbed a shower, did my hair and got tomorrow’s clothes ready for swimming followed by shopping – it is my last weekend of going out for a while so I am going to make the most of it.

Came down to do my nails and I couldn’t find my buffer anywhere – have searched high and low for it but it’s not to be found so carried on reading my kindle in the hope it would take my mind off things, which it did.

I must of dozed off because I woke up at 4.30am to find everyone else had gone for a nap and I am now sat here at nearly 6pm watching the day light fade and wondering if I can be bothered to move again to get up and put the oven on for some supper or if I will just grab a bowl of cereal.

I have a feeling it will be the cereal that win’s out because right now my knee couldn’t be kicking me any harder than it is – I have oramorph but I don’t want to take it because that brings out dizziness which I have only just got rid of and I want to stay away.

As I am already dressed for bed I can get an early night and try to focus on my last but one swim – I intend on going for a swim Monday at some point, followed up by getting some fresh milk, girls food, cat food and anything else I think we might that I normally get on a tuesday as I will be up at 5.30am that day to shower in the antibacterial wash I have been given and leave out at 6.30am for a 7am arrival on the ward.

I am hoping that the weather stay’s nice Sunday so we can get out for a ride if nothing else, as again it will be my last one for 6 weeks – at least that is what the hospital says but I figure it’s up to me might be more might be less.

Anyway my last lot of blog’s will be coming up this weekend, for a while at least as I have no internet connection in the hospital and I doubt I will be feeling up to much even though  I am taking my iPad, iPod & kindle with me – I will while away the hours whilst I am there!

Stay safe, have fun and have a great weekend until we blog again 😉


Today I woke up dizzy..quite literally dizzy! Vertigo has hit me hard today and every time I lie down and shut my eye’s the room is spinning like a merry go round.

I have managed to lie down but sort of sitting up so it will pass over and I have packed my bag ready for hospital next week so that is all sorted and cleaned out my handbag and swapped it over, got clothes out for tomorrow and packed my swim bag all whilst trying to take my mind off this dizziness that despite medication will NOT go away!

Thankfully it is Thursday so that mean’s Ms A is home and will make the fresh bed up and cook the tea and take the girl’s out despite putting a hard day’s work in and flying home which takes hours from Munich!

This afternoon the weather has changed so I am glad we are indoor’s – the only thing I need to do is move my car later on when I feel up to it so she can get on the drive tonight…I might go do that in a minute so I don’t have to go out in the cold again and I can take more medication!

Have a safe day, and hope that everyone is feeling better than I currently do!

Biting my tongue

Today – well it has been a strange one to say the least, it started out with me having to clean up after the cat and his trip to the toilet in the utility room!

That was not nice to wake up to at just gone 7am I can tell you..all cleaned and disinfected and it was time to eat..Oh yes I still need to eat, so that sorted I thought I might as well go get some cash and the shopping and how I wish I hadn’t bothered to go that early on.

Yes I got parked up in front of the store with my renewed disabled badge but not long after getting out my car I was approached by this man (late 50’s early 60’s) who said nice car, thank you I said thinking that would be the end of it but no he had latched onto me.

He was talking to me about his son getting a new car and how much he is saving on insurance, tax, tyres, MOT etc, I was polite and listened to him and started to walk to the cash point in the hope he would get the message I was busy. BUT oh NO!

He followed me still chatting away, then asked me if he would see me again, No, not next week I am going into hospital for a knee replacement – OMG how I wished I had said nothing, he then leaned into me and gave me a hug. I was slightly taken a back at that point but walked into the shop thinking he will realise I need to get on now – NO he still hadn’t got the message and still kept me talking.

I managed to shake him off because he saw his friend!

Shopping done, get that back home and I think oh I need to see disability envy before I go into hospital next week and Monday will be swimming, shopping and spending time with my girls so I won’t have time to see them.

How I wish I hadn’t bothered wasting my time. First thing she said is my knee is playing up, it’s making me not walk are stood ironing!

Oh right, so she must of repeated that 10 times to me – and then she said I have to put my fingers in my knee to move it why does the GP not want to send you for an x-ray I wonder. I can’t even get a blue badge she said next – she doesn’t think at all.

You get a blue badge because you have issues with pain and walking not because you are bloody lazy!

Well you need to see a surgeon for a new knee, it’s not the GP that decides I said…well they won’t give me one anyway..So why go on about it I wonder? You won’t know until you see the x-ray results I said to her..well I think I am going to have to get a mobility scooter was the next thing out of her mouth…I am dumb founded right now . The woman has nothing wrong with her (the GP refuses to send her for an x-ray or even listen to her anymore from what she is telling me), yet she studies the way I walk and what I do so she thinks she knows what to do/say to the GP.

I am sorry to inform you that you are looking a prat right now – if there was anything wrong you would see your GP not avoid them and then say oh I don’t think I want one if I have to have a spinal block and be in hospital for 3-5 days. Yes and get out of bed the next day not spend 6 months lying in bed when you come out of hospital after a fractured hip as you did.

My blood was boiling at this point. I was telling them both about a guy that I had to explain to what MS was and her answer was well it’s only your leg’s that don’t work!

Really I said and my bladder, my bowel, my eye’s, my  hand shaking in a morning and the enema’s I use to go toilet..would you like to see them?!

Seriously why can people not think before they open their mouth and speak – is it too difficult for them to engage brain before speaking?

I would rather not have to go next week for this operation and I would rather not have MS but unfortunately I do!

I got home though to the most amazing card from my wobbly friends who had gone to a lot of trouble to do that for me and a beautiful painting by another friend – all of these have been uploaded to my photo blog but it made me realise I do have friends that understand and I don’t need people like the above in my life.

I have just ordered a pink top that say’s “I am only in in for the free parking” with a picture of a wheelchair on it…what fun I am going to have with that one.

People don’t understand that just because I can’t walk it doesn’t mean my life is over – it might take it out of me to do things and it does but I still try my hardest to do it.

This weekend I was able to pillion but it took me about 5 minutes to get off when we stopped….just because I need a wheelchair when we go out doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have a life right!

Well I won’t bore anyone with my rambling’s – enjoy your day, stay safe and be happy 😉

Monday again

So we meet again Monday! Where did the week go? It has flown by so fast you blinked and you missed the weekend!

My weekend went really well, went swimming and managed my best ever time for 48 length’s – 32 minutes!

After swimming we went shopping, got some new work clothes for Ms A and some new underwear for me and a gorgeous new Mulberry bag in pink for my birthday (thank heaven’s for work bonuses).

Back home to take the girls out, watch the rugby, have a take out and relax – we should of gone to friends for our take out but we received a phone call whilst shopping to say the wife had hurt her knee and could we cancel.

That was fine with us, as we got to catch up on the rugby, and relax at home with the girl’s and get an early night so we could get up early on Sunday morning to take the beast and his new handle bar’s out for a spin.

Wow is all I can say about that – the handle bar’s have made a massive difference to the BMW and the way Ms A handles it. I was impressed despite how much they have actually cost to buy and have fitted – they actually took 5 hours to fit but the garage only charged us for 3.5 so can’t complain about that!

Got up to Matlock and met up with father in law for a coffee, it was nice to see the 2 bikes together! He seemed to have a nice time and was looking really well considering we haven’t seen him for about a month or so. The holiday to Scotland has obviously done him wonder’s but a good break is always a welcome relief and it really recharges your batteries – maybe that is what I need to do today!

Got home from Matlock and the temperature had started to drop and the wind get up so we had to come off the dual carriageway’s and go through the back road’s to get home but we were still blown about with the wind!

I got home and it took me 5 minutes to get myself moving as every joint in my body was stiff and sore, my poor neighbour had a shock seeing me sitting on the front of the bike – she must of thought I was riding it!

I can never ride a bike as I have hand controls in my car thanks to my crap MS leg’s not working as they should!

Whilst warming up and recovering last night we caught with the WSB from Australia and got Ms A’s bag sorted out for her early morning flight out to Munich – she has landed so I know everything is alright now there.

I woke up feeling as though I was in a hammock being rocked about but also as though I had been hit by an army truck!

Every part of my body is hurting just for sitting on a bike for maybe 2.5 hours over the day and sitting on a chair having a coffee for a few hours – I can’t believe the pain I am today.

Today I will catch up on the washing, wait for the rain to pass so I can peg this little bit of washing on the line and catch up on sky + and my new kindle novel – this is my final week at home before I go for the big knee replacement.

This time next Monday I will be in the pool hoping that will help me relax and get in the right zone for the hospital and also help the aches and pains I will no doubt have.

Unless it is raining we will take the beast out so I have ordered some cheap headphones so I can put my phone in my pocket and listen to some music whilst I look at the scenery!

Tomorrow I need to tackle the shopping but I know there is still some of last week’s in my car that I need to get in at some point and make a list of what I need next week…most of my hospital bag is packed but I need to put medication in and kindle and iPod and iPad…can’t be without those in hospital! I have charger’s for them all as well in case I am in for 5 day’s but I am hoping to get away with 3 and an early discharge!

I know it will be fine once it is over and done with but I just want it over with now…

Well my girl’s are waiting to go out as the rain has passed over and the sun is trying to come out so I am going to let them go play in the garden, even if I was up to taking them out in the car to the park it is too wet and they would need showering when I got in and I can’t manage that on my own. They don’t mind being with mummy on the sofa though thankfully!

Well fellow blogger’s stay safe, have fun and keep blogging 😉

What is a disability?

Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations.
Thus disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives.